Thursday 1 March 2012

Carpenter who joked about “Mugabe's airless lungs” arrested


Carpenter who joked about "Mugabe's airless lungs" arrested

arare(ZimEye)A Carpenter who allegedy joked that President Robert Mugabe would not have the puff to blow his birthday balloons during theead of state's 21st celebrations last week, has been arrested.

People who called the police to the 'scene' in the bar claim that they heard the joiner referring to Mugabe's deteriorating health and sounded doubts that he would manage to inflate a balloon.

The Lawyers foruman Rights organisation said Wednesday the man who was not named, has been charged for insulting and undermining the authority of the country's president.

This would not be the first time that a Zimbabwean citizen has been brought before the courts on such allegations.

e was arrested swiftly before leaving the bar and is to reappear in court March 12 when he might be fined if found guilty. In August last year, a Bindura man was hauled before the courts for allegedly calling Mugabe 'a dog' among other things.

Carpenter who joked about "Mugabe's airless lungs" arrested

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 01/03/2012